Annabel experienced a couple of first times end of last week.
17 August 2008
I missed her turning process the first time. I left her on the bed (on her back) and when i returned she was already on her tummy! But fortunately I managed to catch her turning all the way the second time. It wasn't easy for her as she was *eiik*eiik*aink*aink* (her trademark sound) all the way. And when she was done on her tummy but couldn't get back, she would start wailing!

19 August 2008
Then grandma managed to make Annabel laugh by speaking gibberish. Such a cute giggle. She would start slow and we would laugh at her (cos it was just so funny listening to her) and then she would giggle even harder upon hearing us laugh! Such a sweetie! Annabel also would giggle when you drop her hanky on her little tummy (grandma discovered this). For some reasons she found this act amusing, but not for long. We tried again yesterday and she wasn't amused one bit. Well, i guess she woke up at the wrong side of the bed then!
Oh, and I managed to catch her sucking her toes! Like a little gymnast, her right hand went for her right leg and gingerly put it into her mouth. But she let it go soon enough after discovering mommy with the camera! Smart girl!
Crawl soon lil baby...then can play wif pep-pep!!
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