Darling Bel is three months plus now. She is beginning to recognise people around her especially mommy. She is a happy smiley baby especially if you talk to her. Colourful pictures and the idiot box fascinate her. Now is also when she 'discovered' her hands, and how tasty they were. She would grab at almost anything and would hold on to you when being carried.
Unfortunately she had to experience her first diarrhoea this month (complete with fever and all). She had to be changed almost every couple of hours. Poor girl. The doctor prescribed probiotics, among others. Although it was strawberry flavoured, she didn't like it one bit. It was such a torture for both baby and mommy (not to mention grandma too!). Her tummy upset was most probably due to poor hygiene by the maid (at the expense of poor Annabel). Sigh... and it took quite a while to recover. She would past motion during or after each feed! This also prompted us to get her a rotavirus oral vaccination.
At her fourth month, she weighs 6kg and 63cm in length (not too bad considering all the diarrhoea!).

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