Sunday, August 17, 2008

Of trishaws and becas

If you've been to humble Melaka, you'll know that trishaws can be very colourful, not to mention noisy. I have nothing against it being bright. But noisy.. if at the right place and right time could definitely be tolerated. Well, this seems not to be the case here almost every Sunday morning. It would be like a carnival outside Christ Church Melaka. Well, it couldn't be helped i guess, being a tourist spot and all. But what could definitely help is that the trishaw pullers be a tad more considerate. In the middle of a service, the honks would go blaring followed by some noise of a music. People... have some respect (for your fellow Msians of other religion!!)! Couldn't they just pipe it down for just a few hours. Is that too much to ask for?