Monday, July 26, 2010

Winter Melon and Ham Soup

'The Chinese Kitchen' has got to be the gem of all chinese cookbooks (the same goes for 'The Indian Kitchen'). These are birthday gifts from Karen and Kor *big grin* Not only does it provide recipes but also descriptions on the ingredients.
I officiated 'The Chinese Kitchen' yesterday with a simple dish of winter melon and ham soup. This is a fast and simple soup recipe: Drop a square of chicken cube into a pot of water (one big chinese bowl) and bring it to a rolling boil. Add dried shrimps and slices of ham and winter melon. Bring it to a boil and cook for another 2-3 minutes. I was true to the recipe except that I 'cheated' and replaced the soup stock with chicken cube. And so I didn't season the soup with salt and pepper.

Looks like a typical HK dish.. thanks to the ham!


busygran said...

A nice combination! If you're next door, I don't mind a bowl!

pearly said...

haha yes if you're next door i wouldn't mind ur cuppies and cakes too!! *wink*

kelpsh said...

wah, promoting the book?.. u snapped the pic or kapok frm the net?.. :P

pearly said...

kapok haha!!