She loves singing and dancing. She knows the ABC song, row row row your boat, happy birthday to you, this is the way I brush my teeth, twinkle twinkle, old macdonald had a farm (she enjoys making animal sounds!). Don't be alarmed. When I said 'she knows', I meant she recognises the songs and will try to sing along, and when she sings certain songs on her own, I can make out what she was singing.
She talks a lot as well. She tells you what she feels and thinks and wants. She is now able to string a short sentence like, "pls mommy I want bread". Aww.. so cute! She will shout out "fwen" and "ghee" when she sees the series FRIENDS and GLEE on the tv. When she sees a kissing scene, she will make the smooching sound. She has her own favourite shows like Hi-5, mickey mouse clubhouse and dora the explorer. She recognises most of the characters and can predict the next scene and interact with the characters like "no", "there" etc. I say with proper guidance a child can learn a lot from the not-so-idiot box. She is beginning to recognise numbers and able to count. Oh, and she knows her colours as well.
I must say I am quite proud of what she is able to do before reaching two. But most importantly she doesn't give us much problems (although at times she does tire me out) and is a healthy little girl. And I thank God for that.
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