Our little pride and joy is getting extremely adorable everyday.
She is beginning to apprecicate the idiot box more. I might seem happy now but I know this is so gonna backfire later! She likes watching the opening to The Simpsons, Friends, certain ads esp the ribena with lemon advert *wee*, oh, and she enjoys Coldplay's Life in Technicolour videoclip and Lily Allen's Alfie (it's the puppets!!). She would gesture at the screen and smile gleefully.
She enjoys looking at herself in the mirror and recognises herself in photos as she would point and smile. She knows how to 'sayang' mommy and daddy and even her toys Dolly and Minnie. She would pat and kiss. So cute!!!
She would wave when we say bye-bye, tata, good night, or when she heard the doorbell. She is not so stingy with her wave to strangers anymore (like our regular fishmonger, or the cashier). Ppl here seems to like babies - they would talk and smile and one even wanted to carry her! Pengsan! And when she actually wave to them or smile, they would get even more excited!!
She is so like her daddy - doesn't like porridge, likes bread and cheese, likes to eat.. like earlier she was asking for her rusk when it was just after her lunch!! Oh, she points when she wants this and that. And will smile happily when she managed to get her way. Otherwise she'll just wail and soon the dam will just bocor!
She enjoys walking but we still need to hold her hands. When she wants to do her walking, she'll just take your hands. See how much our life is controlled by this precious darling?! She knows to clap her hands and will do so when we asked her to, when she watched the tv where there's an audience clapping, or when she achieved in doing certain things (like putting on the cover to her cup).
Of course she has her fair share of kena hantuk here and there. If it's not too nasty she'll just touch her head or wherever the spot is. If it's a bad knock then apa lagi cry lar! Oh and she is a stickler for cleanliness. I think I have a prt in this. When her hands get dirty she'll immediately push them my way to get them cleaned. Or if she sees rubbish on the floor or a spot of gravy on the table, she'll point out to you! A future Monica Geller??

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