In HK, everybody carry designer bags everywhere. Guys and girls. I even saw a small pooch in a Gucci recently (now how they treat their pets is a different story altogether)! When you are a professional earning HKD, it is surely no sweat when it comes to luxury items. In fact you can even treat yourself to a nice bag every month (if you do not have house commitment etc). The price is often a fraction of what you earn. Unlike good ole Msia. I better not get started on that.

I have my own preference for my bags. I love them cute, unique, quirky and especially with colours. Bright pink colours are the best. Now please don't cringe! Well, maybe not too bright. All these make the style so awesomely me! That is why however hard I try to look for pieces that I like in LV and Gucci, I would almost always end up disappointed. Which is actually a good thing as the bags there are about double in price compared to my favourite Coach. I am proud to say that I am my own style - that I do not buy for the sake of joining in the masses, or for having a branded bag or because everybody else is flaunting it.

I would like to share a bag-experience with a fellow bag-buddy. While contemplating if she should get a new LV, WC mentioned that LV has a secondhand value. I immediately questioned her if she was planning on selling her beloved bags in the future. She wasn't too sure. I wouldn't sell mine unless (a) I really have loads and loads of LV bags, and (b) I somehow touchwood go bankcrupt. And so finally that same year, WC ended up with two Coaches instead (on two separate shopping outings la)!!

wow you really love coach, don't you? :)
yes i do Rita! ^^
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