Monday, June 15, 2009


Facebook. It seems to be the most natural thing to do nowadays when you go online. Everybody is on it. A surefire way to be in touch with the world - friends that you see day in day out, old schoolmates that you haven't seen or spoken to in 20 years, colleagues that you are not too fond of (or your boss), one Mr A that you met only once, your general practitioner, a friend's toddler... you get the picture.

Facebook. This is the avenue where you advertise your humble self. Your status can be updated every hour to give an insight into what you have been doing, are thinking, or all the super cool stuff that you are planning to do. Through this, I learnt of one friend's exotic culinary adventure, another acquaintance's exotic escapade to never never land, and another's exotic dining experience. Oh, and not to mention those spoilers.

Facebook. You can create photo albums and fill them with memories - graduation, wedding, birthdays, holidays blah blah blah. And then comes the taggings and comments. Photos that are sure to derive loads of comments are of baby/kids and food. People just seem to connect well with these two topics. And the least comments I would say for your holiday shots. Jealous of others' happiness perhaps? Hmmm.. unless it involves them food! Of course those small people that harbour hidden feelings towards you will simply refrain themselves from any comments whatsoever. Let's not get into that.

Facebook. The wall. Where you are able to pen-down sweet nothings to your wife/girlfriend, in the eyes of the whole facebook community, therefore proclaiming yourself as the most romantic guy on facebook. Also, where you are able to send birthday greetings to Buddy A only to get Buddy B mad at you for not wishing him. And where you have conversation with friends for all to see.

Facebook. On etiquette. It is only natural to reply to a person's comments. Ok, an excuse is granted but only if you really really do not like the person, or are lost for words, or suddenly went brain dead. Like when people are talking to you, you will reply. The same applies here. If you answer to the comments, it will definitely encourage the commenter to say more things in the future. Now, you would surely like to have comments splattered all over your facebook, don't you? And it the long run, you would have developed a closer relationship. See, a win-win situation.

Facebook. I am not against it. In fact I love my facebook moments and it can be quite addictive. Ehem.. and I do indulge in the things mentioned above. I am only human. And I can just go on about this topic but let us just leave it for another day.